Joining the sorority and fraternity community at WashU comes with eligibility requirements and specific information about councils is available to help in your decision.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible to join a sorority or fraternity, a student must:

  • Be currently enrolled at WashU At least 12 hours as an undergraduate during the semester student goes through recruitment/intake
  • Have at least 12 hours as an undergraduate during the semester student goes through recruitment/intake
  • Have earned 12 credit hours in their most recent semester of enrollment (hours earned at WashU/ transfer credits from another higher education institution count. High school Advanced Placement credit does not)
  • Carry a 2.5 Grade Point Average cumulative for most recent semester of enrollment
  • Pass a Student Conduct Check for the past two semesters: not found responsible for one or any combination of the following violations:
    (1) Drugs (possession, use, distribution)
    (2) Repeated Alcohol policy violations
    (3) Usage and/or possession of false identification – three or more instances
    (4) Vandalism Student Conduct Check- Tenure Student must not be found responsible for any of the following violations during their tenure at the University:
    • (1) Repeated violations of Academic Integrity policies
    • (2) Assault and/or other issues of violence Additional Steps Some international organizations may require application form and other paperwork

National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, Inc., (NALFO)

Established in 1998, NALFO is an umbrella coalition to 16 fraternities and sororities who share in the commitment and fraternal values for empowering Latino and underserved communities. View more information on NALFO.

Since Spring of 2018, WashU has been home to Alpha Psi Lambda, National Inc. Alpha Mu Chapter. Alpha Psi Lambda, National Inc. is a part of the United Greek Council (UGC). The Alpha Mu chapter hosts an intake process each semester. If you are interested in joining the Alpha Mu chapter of Alpha Psi Lambda National, Inc., contact Alpha Psi Lambda Alpha National, Inc.

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

The Washington University Interfraternity Council (IFC) serves as the governing body for the eleven men’s social fraternities at WashU. The IFC has nine executive board members who are elected by chapter presidents each year. Fraternity chapter presidents and representatives make up the full body of the Council, which aims to address the concerns and needs of member fraternities. Our vision is to uphold faithfully the ideals and beliefs of our predecessors to create a unified community of fraternity gentlemen full of values in scholarship, philanthropy, athletics, and leadership.

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

Washington University is home to both campus-based as well as city-wide chapters of National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) fraternities and sororities. The National Pan-Hellenic Council is also known widely as the Divine Nine. A city-wide chapter is a chapter whose membership is comprised of students attending various colleges and universities within the St. Louis region. Currently, WashU is home to two chartered based chapters and seven city-wide chapters. Washington University has students are eligible to participate in chapter in good standing.

The process of joining an NPHC chapter is called membership intake. Membership intake processes are facilitated by each individual chapter, and intake processes are not guaranteed to occur during any particular semester, as the decision to conduct an intake process is made by individual chapters. If you have questions or would like more information about NPHC organizations, please visit the websites of the individual organizations, which are linked below. Most chapters also have a strong social media presence, which can be a great source of information about upcoming events held by each chapter.

Women’s Panhellenic Association (WPA)

The purpose of Women’s Panhellenic Association (WPA) is to support seven women’s organizations and infraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in doing so: (1) Consider the goals and ideals of the member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life. (2) Further refine intellectual accomplishment and sound scholarship. (3) Cooperate with member sororities and the university administration in the maintenance of high social and moral standards. (4) Act in accordance with the National Panhellenic Conference unanimous agreements and policies. (5) Act in accordance with rules established by the WPA so as not to violate the sovereignty, rights and privileges of member sororities.

Letters of recommendation

Letters of recommendation are not required to participate in formal recruitment. If an alumna would like to submit a reference form, they can do so by contacting their organization’s headquarters to get proper instructions.

For more information

Please contact Zachary Littrell, Assistant Director for Campus Life.