Scott Williams

Scott Williams

Assistant Director of Student Involvement & Student Groups

As Assistant Director of Student Involvement & Student Groups, Scott works to create an environment of success for student organizations by overseeing the undergraduate student groups and providing consistent resources and policies to all Washington University student groups. He also serves as the primary contact to faculty and staff advisors and oversees the implementation of […]

Jacob Goedde

Jacob Goedde

Coordinator for Diverse Communities and Group Development

As Coordinator for Diverse Communities and Group Development, Jacob works on the student involvement team to assist in planning trainings and workshops for undergraduate student organizations and developing and presenting Group Development trainings. Jacob also serves as the Campus Life Advisor for Cultural, Diversity and Inclusion, and Religious and Spiritual student organizations.

Cole Fornier

Cole Fornier

Coordinator for Education and Compliance

As Coordinator for Education and Compliance, Cole is responsible for the management of the Student Group Conduct Process and orchestrates trainings around policies and procedures for student groups. Additionally, Cole advises the Judiciary Branch of Student Union (Constitutional Council) as well as a portion of our 400+ student groups on campus.

Sarah Edmondson

Sarah Edmondson

Associate Director for Student Involvement

As Associate Director for Student Involvement, Sarah leads the area responsible for undergraduate student involvement and advises Washington University’s undergraduate student government, the Student Union, oversees our 400+ registered student groups and policies, and directs the Campus Life Advisor program. Sarah also serves as the Campus Life Advisor for governing, political action, and media student […]

Will Atchinson

Will Atchinson

Student Union Technology Specialist

Will is the Technology Specialist for Campus Life. He oversees Campus Life’s online platforms and infrastructure (including WUGO), vendor management, and hardware help.