Campus Life Advisors

Every recognized student group has an assigned Campus Life Advisor. All contracts and agreements must be provided to and signed by your Advisor who will walk you through the necessary steps for the review and signature of the contract/agreement. 

Student groups are NOT permitted to sign any agreement or contract, at any time

Monetary limits for contract amounts

Please note that within Campus Life:

Coordinators can sign for amounts under $5,000
Assistant Directors can sign for amounts under $10,000
Associate Directors can sign for amounts under $25,000

We encourage those student groups that are directly advised with a Campus Life representative to work with your advisor directly to complete signatures on your contract.

Contracts and agreements

  • Review may take time
  • You’re encouraged to provide all contracts and agreements to your group’s Campus Life advisor no later than 14 days prior to the event or program

Contract templates

WashU Speaker/Artist Agreement (PDF)

  • Used when a group is hosting a speaker/artist on campus and the performer does not have their own contract
  • May be edited by the other party
  • If there are no edits to this contract, you can bring a copy signed by the speaker/artist to your Campus Life Advisor appointment, along with a W9 for the speaker/artist
  • If there have been edits, please bring the edited contract for your GPS adviser to review and accept or reject before having the speaker/artist sign it.

WashU Speaker/Artist Addendum (PDF)

  • Used when a group is hosting a speaker/artist that provides their own contract
  • Bring the speaker/artist-provided contract, unsigned, to your Campus Life Advisor appointment to ensure there are no conflicting terms on the addendum or the contract and make any necessary edits
  • Once these edits are made, the contract and addendum are ready to be sent to the speaker/artist for signatures
  • If the speaker/artist makes edits to the addendum, your Campus Life Advisor will have to reject or accept those edits before they can sign it.

Service Provider Agreement (PDF)

  • Used when a group is paying for a service instead of an individual (catering vs. speaker)
  • Includes lighting, photography, catering etc
  • If you are using a WashU vendor (WFF/Sodexo) you do not need a contract – they provide purchase orders (PO) that contain contractual language that will need to be signed
  • If no edits are made to this contract, you may bring a copy signed by the service provider to your Campus Life Advisor appointment
  • If the service provider makes edits, those will need to be accepted or rejected before your Campus Life Advisor can sign and return the contract.

Service Provider Addendum (PDF)

  • Used when a group is paying a service provider that provides their own contract
  • Bring the service provider-provided contract, unsigned, to a Campus Life Advisor appointment to ensure that there are no conflicting terms on the addendum or the contract and make any necessary edits
  • Once these edits are made, the contract and the addendum are ready to be sent to the service provider for signatures
  • If the service provider makes edits to the addendum, your Campus Life Advisor will have to reject or accept those edits before they can sign it.

Addendum to Off-Campus Venue Agreement (PDF)

  • Used whenever a group is hosting an event off campus in addition to a venue-provided contract
  • Bring the venue-provided contract, unsigned, to a Campus Life Advisor appointment to ensure that there are no conflicting terms on the addendum or the contract and make any necessary edits
  • Once these edits are made, the contract and addendum are ready to be sent to the venue for signatures
  • f the venue makes edits to the addendum, your Campus Life Advisor will have to reject or accept those edits before they can sign it.

Event Security Agreement (PDF)

  • Any time you are booking an outside security company, whether for a dry event or an event with alcohol, this contract must be used


Before planning an event, retreat, or student group meeting, please review and read the 2023-2024 Student Group/Chapter Handbook. All student groups are expected to adhere to all policies & procedures found in the handbook, Campus Life policies and university policies. For questions on policies contained in this handbook please contact your Campus Life Advisor or contact:

Sarah Edmondson, Associate Director for Student Involvement
Scott Williams, Assistant Director for Student Involvement and Student Groups
Cole Fournier, Coordinator for Education and Compliance

Most used forms and resources requested by student groups

From time to time, student groups may require additional waivers, forms and/or resources. See below for the most used forms and resources requested by student groups.


Payment forms


Resources for Student Groups