The Danforth University Center welcomes you to the campus of Washington University in St. Louis. Whether you’re visiting the DUC to grab a bite or just passing through on your way to a campus, we hope you’ll enjoy your time at the center of WashU.

Need help finding something?

Please visit one of our information desks, located in Tisch Commons on the first floor and in the Fun Room on the second floor.

Parking at the DUC

The DUC parking garage is one of the easiest ways to bring your car to campus. Conveniently located near Graham Chapel, the Edison Theatre, May Auditorium and the campus store, the DUC is your perfect starting place to enjoy WUSTL.

Visitor parking is available in the DUC garage for an hourly or daily charge. You will pay any parking charges as you exit the garage. Use the ticket you received when you entered at the kiosk as you exit.

About the DUC


Dining options include full meal choices and a coffee shop with grab and go selections


Regular building hours change during breaks and summer


Find out what offices and meeting spaces are located in the building

The DUC Fun Room on the second floor includes a screen showing the day’s activities and meetings plus room locations.