Groups will be required to complete a High Risk Event Training; Responsible Contract Training; Alcohol Training, prior to booking space or registering events that will involve alcohol.

Student groups must

  • Review and understand ALL policies outlined in the Student Group Handbook
  • If your group wishes to hold an event/program with alcohol, review the specifics of the High Risk Event Policy and Events with Alcohol Policy

To obtain the training schedule, groups are required to contact their Campus Life Advisor or Cole Fournier.

Events with alcohol training

Any student group looking to have alcohol at their undergraduate event must attend a Programming with Alcohol Training session to better understand the policies and procedures that support those types of events. Campus Life is dedicated to the health, safety and security of Washington University students and dedicated to helping undergraduate host successful events safety and security of Washington University students and dedicated to helping undergraduate host successful events as safe as possible.

Responsible contact training

At least four individuals, including but not limited to those planning the event, must be designated “Responsible Contacts”. More may be required based on the size, type, and location of the event. The responsible contact training schedule is listed below.

New members to the community and/or organization are not to serve in this role. Responsible contacts are expected to oversee the implementation of the alcohol guidelines throughout the entire event. They are not to consume any alcohol during any portion of the event and must remain the contact throughout the entire event; shifts are not acceptable.


Contact Cole Fournier, Coordinator for Education and Compliance