The Excellence in Leadership Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of Washington University students and their co-curricular experience.

Recognizing student leaders and student groups

Students at Washington University regularly achieve great success. Through the Annual Excellence in Leadership Awards, Campus Life honors student leaders and student groups who actively pursue and demonstrate excellence in leadership within the campus community.

Those recognized for Excellence in Leadership will:

Go above and beyond the expectations of the campus community
Consistently prove to be exemplary amongst the campus community in all aspects of their campus involvement
Foster positive relationships with campus resources / departments and other student organizations
Intentionally pursue the organization’s ideals through the attainment of established goals and continual reflection and development

Who can nominate a student leader?

Any Washington University community member may nominate a student leader or a student group believed to exemplify excellence in leadership.

How do I apply on behalf of my student organization, nominate a student organization or an individual student?

Any established group/group effort believed to exemplify excellence in leadership may apply or be nominated. Student group applications/nominations will need to provide information about the officers & the group, as well as respond to the award criteria.

Individuals may nominate themselves, but it is recommended to include a resume and references who can attest to their leadership qualities.

Excellence in Leadership Awards Ceremony

Award recipients will be honored during the Excellence in Leadership Awards Ceremony, held in the Danforth University Center in Tisch Commons in April each year.

Questions about the EIL Awards?

Nominations for EIL Awards open each spring

The awards

Excellence in Leadership presents 13 awards, honoring eight individuals and five student groups, in recognition of their outstanding achievements at Washington University.

An award may have more than one recipient.

Individual awards

Sharon Stahl Rising Leader Award

The Sharon Stahl Rising Leader Award, established in 2006, recognizes a first- or second-year student for exemplary leadership, service, and commitment to the University community.

Unsung Hero Award – “demonstrated leadership, not necessary to have a title”

The Unsung Hero Award recognizes a student for work they do behind the scenes. The individual may not hold an executive leadership position within an organization, but consistently works to improve his or her organization or cause. This award will recognize someone who goes above and beyond their responsibilities as a general member and does so to enhance the overall outcome of the student organization, a program or an initiative.

Ripple Award – “committed to social justice”

The Ripple Award was established in 1995 by the Student Union, the Committee Organization for Rape Education, Residential Advisors, Office of Residential Life, and Office of Student Activities to recognize an individual who stands up for their ideals, strikes out against injustice, bestows unconditional respect upon all beings, enables groups and individuals to flourish, and recognizes the significance of small acts in the effort to attain a greater vision.

Helen Davis Humanitarian Award – “committed to education and service”

The Helen Davis Humanitarian Award was established in 1995 by the Office of Student Activities as a tribute to the dedication shown by Ms. Davis to Washington University and the St. Louis community. The award will recognize a student who promotes human welfare in the St. Louis community through education and service.

Farwell Student Leader of the Year Award – “leadership demonstrated this academic year”

The Farwell Student Leader of the Year, named after Victor H. Farwell, was established in 1994, and is the highest mark of honor in the Excellence in Leadership Awards Ceremony. This award recognizes a junior or senior who has demonstrated exceptional leadership this academic year through self-awareness, collaboration, service, commitment to a cause, and community impact.

Shepley Outstanding Senior Award – “Senior’s leadership demonstrated throughout their entire college career”

The Shepley Outstanding Senior Award is presented to outstanding seniors who have excelled in the areas of leadership, scholarship, and service to the University community over their entire collegiate career. This award acts as the capstone leadership award for a senior who has worked throughout their four years to better the Washington University community (and beyond) and their own leadership skills.

W. Alfred Hayes Award

The W. Alfred Hayes Award is presented to outstanding senior athletes who by personal example have provided constructive leadership at Washington University.

Advisor of the Year Award

The Advisor of the Year Award was new in 2012 and recognizes the outstanding contributions of a faculty or staff member to a student group.

Group awards

Innovation Award

Student groups frequently put on excellent programs. Groups recognized in this category will have been innovative, collaborative, motivated, and will have produced an outstanding program or event.

Event of the Year

We would like to honor the Event of the Year amongst the thousands of events that student groups produce every year. Groups recognized in this category are innovative and collaborative and have produced an outstanding program or event. This program attracted a significant number of attendees, and had a meaningful impact on the WashU community.

Community Impact Award

The Community Impact Award recognizes student groups for their commitment to service and making an impact within the WashU and St. Louis communities.

Program with Purpose Award

The Program with Purpose Award recognizes student groups who are intentional in designing their programs to be co-curricular in nature. Their program(s) had a meaningful learning component for their participants and embodied the truth that learning happens outside of classrooms as well.

Outstanding Student Group Award

The Outstanding Student Group Award recognizes exemplary leadership and commitment by a student group to the Washington University community. The group worthy of this award will have shown progressive leadership and commitment consistent with the mission of Campus Life.