The Program with Purpose Award recognizes student groups who are intentional in designing their programs to be co-curricular in nature. Their program(s) had a meaningful learning component for their participants and embodied the truth that learning happens outside of classrooms as well.

Criteria for Program with Purpose Award

Groups receiving this award will demonstrate the following:

  • Vision and Strategy
    • Group understands the importance of challenging the status quo and applying creative and innovative solutions to affect positive change.
    • Group will have developed a vision for change.
    • Group will have formulated goals and action steps necessary to bring their vision into reality.
    • Group has learning outcomes clearly outlined for their programs
  • Integration and Meaningful Action:
    • Group is able to translate ideas into action.
    • Group seeks opportunities to develop cultural competency and understand themselves as contributing to the improvement of a global society.
    • Group creates opportunities for the inclusion of multiple perspectives to develop
    • Group integrates learning into their programs for the betterment of society