The Farwell Student Leader of the Year, named after Victor H. Farwell, was established in 1994, and is the highest mark of honor in the Excellence in Leadership Awards Ceremony. This award recognizes a junior or senior who has demonstrated exceptional leadership this academic year through self-awareness, collaboration, service, commitment to a cause, and community impact.

Eligibility and Criteria for Farwell Student Leader Award

Eligibility: Juniors and Seniors

Winners of this award will have demonstrated the following:

  • Self Awareness
    • Discern and describe their personal leadership style, strengths, and limitations
    • Appropriately apply their learning and leadership style and strengths.
    • Recognize their own multiple identities, experiences and biases and how these affect their ability to lead.
  • Vision and Strategy
    • Define and articulate a vision for their organization, community, or cause.
    • Identify and employ innovative solutions to challenges as well as current conditions.
  • Valuing Others
    • Seek to understand the communities in which they are a part.
    • Appropriately integrate differing viewpoints and experiences for maximum organizational performance.
    • Undertake opportunities to serve their communities.
  • Integration and Meaningful Action
    • Employ creative problem solving and critical thinking behaviors.
    • Demonstrate resiliency in the face of challenges.
    • Demonstrate the ability to take appropriate action.
  • Ethics and Integrity
    • Make decisions in alignment with their personal and organizational values.
    • Demonstrate ethical and equitable behaviors through their decisions and actions.
    • Define and articulate the importance of role-modeling.
  • Connection and Collaboration
    • Empower, utilize and motivate others.
    • Understand and value the process as well as the final outcome.
    • Address and resolve conflict with civility.
    • Prepare and empower future leaders to ensure sustained community effectiveness.